We have written extensively about the DP World Berbera port project and there have been many milestones. Today, was another of these milestones with the completion of the first 12km warranting the president to cut the ribbon to mark the event.
The construction of the Berbera Corridor was an integral part of the DP World Berbera deal aimed at bringing economic stability and much needed job opportunities. Indeed it is the second most expensive infrastructure project in Somaliland’s history.

As can be seen from above, the new road is more robust and a huge improvement from the previous road. The transport minister, Mr. Abdilahi Abokor stated:
There is a huge difference between the brand new road and the old one. The previous design was resisting the pressure of 6 tons only but this one will resist more than 40 tons pf pressure. The width of the road has also been expanded.
Further news was announced at the event with the Transport Minister informing us the contracting company has made an official request of 4 additional months to complete the road. Construction is in full swing (even amidst the Covid-19 global pandemic) and everyone is indeed eagerly anticipating the full completion – we suspect the next time the President is in town he’ll be cutting the ribbon for the final time!
