The Covid 19 pandemic has meant that millions of more people around the world are working from home (mainly out of necessity). It has not been an easy transition for most and that’s why it’s important to get educated on practical steps you can take to make WFH more productive and enjoyable!
We’ve read lots about Working From Home (WFH) and even came across this comprehensive guide on working from home; we’ve therefore put together this succinct list of WFH Tips below:
1. Set a Schedule and Stick to It!
For those new to WFH getting started can be difficult with a lot of unusual distractions which you wouldn’t normally face in the office. Yes WFH does offer a lot more flexibility but this can often be a double edged sword so it is vitally important to set a schedule that suits your circumstances and stick to it.
2. Create a Dedicated Workspace
You can get away with working from the kitchen table here and there, but for optimal performance, a dedicated workspace is recommended. You can design the workspace around your needs and personality but the key thing should be that it is a dedicated workspace with all the right gear to help you be productive, e.g. additional monitor, laptop stand, ergonomic desk/chair etc. What’s more, remember to keep your workspace clean and organized.
3. Keep Active Communication Channels
Technology such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Hangouts etc have certainly made online conference calling easier and more accessible than ever before. It is therefore imperative that these technologies are used to keep active communication channels with your peers and associates.
4. Productivity Specific Tips
- It has been proven in many studies that working in short sprints or bursts is best for productivity.
- Use a Task Manager Tool
- Minimize distractions – you need to significantly reduce those distractions that get in the way of your work and a simple way to start this is by ‘turning off notifications’.
- Set Deadlines – most people perform better when they know they have a set deadline, so setting deadlines is an easy way to increased productivity.
5. Take Effective Breaks
No one can work effectively hours on end and so it is important to take effective breaks – this involves taking sufficient time (similar to when at the office) and doing something constructive when on your break. For example, going for a walk to get some fresh air, doing some yoga or exercising. An effective break is not binging on social media 🙂
6. Finishing Work and Switching Off
For both your productivity and wellbeing it is very important to separate your work and personal lives. When you’ve scheduled yourself in to work, make sure you focus on work. However, when your working hours are done for the day, you should ensure you switch off. No constantly checking/responding to emails on your phone or thinking constantly about that upcoming report. Go off and enjoy your social time, unwind and come back fresh for the next day.
So these tips should be sufficient for you to get into WFH shape – you can also read this useful article from the BBC – Coronavirus: Five ways to work well from home.